Court Booking System
You must have a confirmed booking before playing tennis or receiving coaching at the club. Book at least 6hrs in advance!
Check availability of courts in the calendar below. There can be up to 3 bookings in parallel with Court 1 reserved for coaching. RED=Court 1; AMBER=Court 2; PURPLE=Court 3; GREY=Court 4
Create an invite in your calendar app and add the email address ptc.courtbookings@gmail.com as an attendee/guest. You must add all players full name in the description/notes section.
Bookings must not exceed 1h30mins however you should leave courts 10 minutes before the end of the booking.
You will receive an email immediately confirming receipt of your request and a reminder of the guidelines (repeated bookings will not trigger a receipt)
You will receive a email once your request has been processed either
Confirming your booking and court number
Declining your request if courts are fully booked (This is likely where multiple requests were received simultaneously)
If you have any problems booking a court please contact Oliver 07587638219 or Dan 07852212483
This calendar shows current bookings made. It cannot be used to create bookings.
RED=Court 1 - AMBER=Court 2 - PURPLE=Court 3 - GREY=Court 4